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Be the Change You Want to See

Updated: May 21, 2020

This is the sixth article in our series on Creating a Coaching Culture. This series of articles is primarily focused at HR and Development professionals wanting to transform the culture of their organisation and are seeing the potential of embedding coaching abilities within their organisation to achieve these goals. In this series, we’ll hear from professionals in the region and learn from their experience, struggles and successes.

The last article helped us to narrow our focus and make decisions around how to create that best coaching culture for your organisation. Today, having gained purpose and direction, we are adding to this with action. We’re asking ourselves the question, what specific action can you take to move your coaching culture forward?

Later in this article we will be referring you to our “Coaching Culture Canvas” tool. You can download your copy here. Today we’re focussing on the section titled, “Activise.”

Starting a movement

The title of this post is from a misquote of Ghandi yet it speaks to the need for all change and transformation to begin with us. All growth in our individual lives begins with a shift internally within ourselves. All growth organisationally also begins within people, and at first within one person.

In his 2010 TED talk called “Starting a Movement”, Derek Sivers showed us how one person willing to take action can attract others towards their cause.

Choosing to take action

In the last two posts, we heard from industry leaders that coaching was being deployed in three ways.

  1. Use of external coaches

  2. Resourcing of internal coaches

  3. Development of managerial and leadership coaching skills

In hearing about kinds of action being taken we noticed personal action and corporate action.

Actions for your organisation

For corporate action, we saw correlations to the size of the organisations and to the maturity of the coaching cultures. For the purposes of analysis, we categorised the sizes of organisations into Local, Regional and International. We classed the maturity of the coaching cultures as Low, Medium or High.

Consider your own organisation, department or team. Based on the size and maturity of the coaching culture, which of the following is an action to take or recommend?

Action for you

Anecdotally, more than half of HR professionals we spoke with see a coach training programme on their own personal development pathway. This is the most common next personal step for those in the human development industry.

We heard from Swati Singh, Head of Learning and Development at Easa Saleh Al Gurg Group, who recently graduated from North Point Academy’s 4-month Certificate in Professional Coaching.

Swati let us know that she has made, “significant and meaningful shifts,” as a result of completing a full coach development programme. She has, in her own words, “become a more aware coach and I would like to recommend it to anyone who is looking to drive impactful and sustainable growth in themselves and others.”

What steps will you take?

Go to your Coaching Culture Canvas.

In the Activise section, consider the following questions and note down your thoughts.

  • What Wildly Important Goals (WIGs) do we need?

  • Who needs to be involved?

  • What is my first / next step?


The next article will help us to consider how to stay on track and build support for the coaching culture that your organisation needs.


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